SMyART - Free Online Art Gallery. ARTexts | . 

online art gallery

When did you start to be interested in art? Why did you choose to draw?

I liked drawing lessons at secondary school from the first class.I was in love in my fist teacher. She was beautiful. I liked when she approved my drawings. When I was 13 years old I attended art studio for 2 years.

Do you remember your first artwork, what was it like?

I began painted in oil when I was 14. It was African landscapes with unlike animals. And self-portraits with unlike mimique. I keep some of them.

What are your favourite topics and why? Is there anything you would not depict?

As my wife jokes my favourite topics are cats and naked women. But I always create under the supervision of imagination. I would't depict banal composition.

How education has influenced your creativity and changed your professional way?

I'm sure that is vocation. S.Maugham considered that medicine is the best school for writer.And i think that wide circle of vision is very important for artist.

From which authors do you get inspiration?

If we say about literature - Wilde, Maugham, Yeats, poetry of french simbolisme.As well as F.Rops, F.Knopf, Dali, and art of 19 century at all.

What, do you think is the place of visual arts in today's life? Do you think art can influence the public life?

Cinema and theatre as visual arts playing the leading role. In case if art scratch some religious sense of people.

Do you think that nationality has its place in art?

I think real artist lives without the borders.

Which books are you reading lately?

As E. Burn-Jones constantly read Mallory as I reading again and again J. Saramago , A. Averchenko and those named before.

Are there any artworks you are working on at the moment?

I working simultaneously with several artworks. One of them called " Earth is our eternal home".Soon it appears on my website.

How do you see your future?

I don't think about future.I try to know more about the past. The memory is mother of muse.

Would you say in one sentence what is the art for you?

It's my life!

It is important for the nation to have his genius

Today the Role of Fine Art is as Small as Never Before

I paint to breathe

My Art Is My Philosophy

I have two higher educations, but none of them influenced at my creativity effectively

ART - a great gift of God given us to cleanse our souls and strengthen the forces of our spirit!
Smyart contains artworks of a group of friends only.